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  19.                     <div class="title-heading">
  20.                         <span class="badge rounded-pill bg-soft-primary"><b>It's time for </b></span>
  21.                         <h1 class="h4 heading mt-2 mb-4">a trading strategy that works at any time</h1>
  22.                         <p class="para-desc mx-auto text-muted mb-0">We created an exceptional <strong>trading plan</strong> that works at every stage of economic cycle.</p>
  23.                         <div class="mt-4 pt-2">
  24.                             <a href="#key-features" class="btn btn-pills btn-primary m-1">Get Started</a>
  25.                             <a href="#newsletter-input" class="btn btn-pills btn-soft-primary m-1">Learn More</a>
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  45.                         <h4 class="title mb-4">Trade <span class="text-primary">fearlessly</span> and <span class="text-primary">confidently</span></h4>
  46.                         <p class="text-muted para-desc">
  47.                             Key features of a strategy developed with support of <span class="text-primary fw-bold">artificial intelligence</span>:
  48.                         </p>
  49.                         <ul class="list-unstyled text-muted">
  50.                             <li class="mb-1"><span class="text-primary h5 me-2"><i class="uil uil-check-circle align-middle"></i></span>Only a few trades a week using a single asset</li>
  51.                             <li class="mb-1"><span class="text-primary h5 me-2"><i class="uil uil-check-circle align-middle"></i></span>Does not rely on any specific stock or market sector in particular</li>
  52.                             <li class="mb-1"><span class="text-primary h5 me-2"><i class="uil uil-check-circle align-middle"></i></span>Great for automated trading as well as manual orders</li>
  53.                         </ul>
  54.                     </div>
  55.                 </div>
  56.                 <div class="col-lg-6">
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  63.                                             <h2 class="mb-0">2-<span class="counter-value" data-target="8">3</span></h2>
  64.                                             <h5 class="counter-head mb-0">Trades a Week</h5>
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  66.                                     </div>
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  71.                                             <h2 class="text-light title-dark mb-0">><span class="counter-value" data-target="100">1</span>%</h2>
  72.                                             <h5 class="counter-head mb-0 title-dark text-light">Annual Return</h5>
  73.                                         </div>
  74.                                     </div>
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  83.                                             <h2 class="text-light title-dark mb-0">$<span class="counter-value" data-target="300">10</span></h2>
  84.                                             <h5 class="counter-head mb-0 title-dark text-light">Amount to Start</h5>
  85.                                         </div>
  86.                                     </div>
  87.                                 </div><!--end col-->
  88.                                 <div class="col-12 col-sm-6 col-md-12 mt-4 pt-2">
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  91.                                             <h2 class="mb-0"><span class="counter-value" data-target="1">0</span></h2>
  92.                                             <h5 class="counter-head mb-0">Underlying Asset</h5>
  93.                                         </div>
  94.                                     </div>
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  107.                     <div class="section-title mb-4 pb-2">
  108.                         <h4 class="title mb-4">Strategy Key Features</h4>
  109.                         <p class="text-muted para-desc mx-auto mb-0">Results are based on powerful research
  110.                             on big data set of <span class="text-primary fw-bold">15 years of price history</span>.</p>
  111.                     </div>
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  116.                     <div class="d-flex features bg-white feature-primary key-feature align-items-center p-3 rounded shadow">
  117.                         <div class="icon text-center rounded-circle me-3">
  118.                             <i data-feather="monitor" class="fea icon-ex-md"></i>
  119.                         </div>
  120.                         <div class="flex-1">
  121.                             <h4 class="title mb-0">Market crash friendly</h4>
  122.                         </div>
  123.                     </div>
  124.                 </div><!--end col-->
  125.                 <div class="col-lg-4 col-md-6 mt-4 pt-2">
  126.                     <div class="d-flex features bg-white feature-primary key-feature align-items-center p-3 rounded shadow">
  127.                         <div class="icon text-center rounded-circle me-3">
  128.                             <i data-feather="heart" class="fea icon-ex-md"></i>
  129.                         </div>
  130.                         <div class="flex-1">
  131.                             <h4 class="title mb-0">Financial crisis resistant</h4>
  132.                         </div>
  133.                     </div>
  134.                 </div><!--end col-->
  135.                 <div class="col-lg-4 col-md-6 mt-4 pt-2">
  136.                     <div class="d-flex features bg-white feature-primary key-feature align-items-center p-3 rounded shadow">
  137.                         <div class="icon text-center rounded-circle me-3">
  138.                             <i data-feather="eye" class="fea icon-ex-md"></i>
  139.                         </div>
  140.                         <div class="flex-1">
  141.                             <h4 class="title mb-0">High % of profitable trades</h4>
  142.                         </div>
  143.                     </div>
  144.                 </div><!--end col-->
  145.                 <div class="col-lg-4 col-md-6 mt-4 pt-2">
  146.                     <div class="d-flex features bg-white feature-primary key-feature align-items-center p-3 rounded shadow">
  147.                         <div class="icon text-center rounded-circle me-3">
  148.                             <i data-feather="bold" class="fea icon-ex-md"></i>
  149.                         </div>
  150.                         <div class="flex-1">
  151.                             <h4 class="title mb-0">Works in recession</h4>
  152.                         </div>
  153.                     </div>
  154.                 </div><!--end col-->
  155.                 <div class="col-lg-4 col-md-6 mt-4 pt-2">
  156.                     <div class="d-flex features bg-white feature-primary key-feature align-items-center p-3 rounded shadow">
  157.                         <div class="icon text-center rounded-circle me-3">
  158.                             <i data-feather="feather" class="fea icon-ex-md"></i>
  159.                         </div>
  160.                         <div class="flex-1">
  161.                             <h4 class="title mb-0">Verified results</h4>
  162.                         </div>
  163.                     </div>
  164.                 </div><!--end col-->
  165.                 <div class="col-lg-4 col-md-6 mt-4 pt-2">
  166.                     <div class="d-flex features bg-white feature-primary key-feature align-items-center p-3 rounded shadow">
  167.                         <div class="icon text-center rounded-circle me-3">
  168.                             <i data-feather="code" class="fea icon-ex-md"></i>
  169.                         </div>
  170.                         <div class="flex-1">
  171.                             <h4 class="title mb-0">Few trades a week</h4>
  172.                         </div>
  173.                     </div>
  174.                 </div><!--end col-->
  175.                 <div class="col-lg-4 col-md-6 mt-4 pt-2">
  176.                     <div class="d-flex features bg-white feature-primary key-feature align-items-center p-3 rounded shadow">
  177.                         <div class="icon text-center rounded-circle me-3">
  178.                             <i data-feather="user-check" class="fea icon-ex-md"></i>
  179.                         </div>
  180.                         <div class="flex-1">
  181.                             <h4 class="title mb-0">Tested on data since 2007</h4>
  182.                         </div>
  183.                     </div>
  184.                 </div><!--end col-->
  185.                 <div class="col-lg-4 col-md-6 mt-4 pt-2">
  186.                     <div class="d-flex features bg-white feature-primary key-feature align-items-center p-3 rounded shadow">
  187.                         <div class="icon text-center rounded-circle me-3">
  188.                             <i data-feather="git-merge" class="fea icon-ex-md"></i>
  189.                         </div>
  190.                         <div class="flex-1">
  191.                             <h4 class="title mb-0">Comprehensive research</h4>
  192.                         </div>
  193.                     </div>
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  195.                 <div class="col-lg-4 col-md-6 mt-4 pt-2">
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  199.                         </div>
  200.                         <div class="flex-1">
  201.                             <h4 class="title mb-0">Exact trading plan</h4>
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  218.                         <h4 class="title mb-4 mt-3 text-light">Want to be among the first to find out?</h4>
  219.                         <p class="text-white-75 para-desc mx-auto">We are working on subscription tiers. Stay in touch and informed.</p>
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  250.                     <div class="section-title">
  251.                         <h1 class="mb-4 mt-4 text-primary">It's time for a trading strategy that will work at any time.</h1>
  252.                         <span><br />Real-life progress of the strategy<br /></span>
  253.                         <strong>Key features</strong><br />
  254.                         <ul>
  255.                             <li>developed by artificial intelligence</li>
  256.                         </ul>
  257.                         <strong>Advantages</strong><br />
  258.                         <ul>
  259.                             <li>trade in all market conditions</li>
  260. {#                            <li>trade based on comprehensive research of historical data since 2007</li>#}
  261.                             <li></li>
  262.                         </ul>
  263. {#                        <strong>What makes the strategy exceptional</strong><br />#}
  264.                         <ul>
  265.                             <li></li>
  266. {#                            <li>works at every stage of the economic cycle</li>#}
  267. {#                            <li>high rate of profitable trades</li>#}
  268. {#                            <li>works in both economic expansion and recession</li>#}
  269.                         </ul>
  270.                         <strong>How we found these patterns</strong><br />
  271.                         <ul>
  272. {#                            <li>hypothesis formed by watching global markets for 2 years</li>#}
  273.                             <li>idea that psychology affects the most common market reactions</li>
  274.                             <li>sophisticated algorithm developed exclusively for this project</li>
  275.                             <li>huge number of backtesting cycles</li>
  276.                             <li>used uncountable number of parameter sets</li>
  277. {#                            <li>results verified and adjusted multiple times</li>#}
  278.                             <li>tested both optimistic and pessimistic scenarios</li>
  279.                             <li>real trading tests</li>
  280.                         </ul>
  281.                         <strong>What is included in paid subscriptions</strong><br />
  282.                         <ul>
  283.                             <li>tangible principles of how we got to the projection of substantial profits</li>
  284.                             <li>opportunity to cooperate on further analysis</li>
  285.                         </ul>
  286.                         <strong>Key performance result</strong><br />
  287.                         <ul>
  288.                             <li>more than 100% return of an initial investment for single year of trading using the strategy</li>
  289.                         </ul>
  290.                         <strong>Keys to success using this strategy</strong><br />
  291.                         <ul>
  292.                             <li>trading of one particular asset once a day for a few days a week</li>
  293.                             <li>placing orders right on time (5 min. precision)</li>
  294.                             <li>buying and closing a position at a specific time of day</li>
  295.                             <li>sticking to the plan again and again</li>
  296.                             <li>no excuses and no breaches —  our live test would have failed if we had cheated</li>
  297.                         </ul>
  298.                         <strong>What you will learn from us:</strong><br />
  299.                         <ul>
  300.                             <li>what is the key asset</li>
  301.                             <li>what percentage of successful trades you will achieve</li>
  302.                             <li>what times of day you have to place trades</li>
  303.                             <li>how to not break rules</li>
  304.                             <li>how to not try to time the market</li>
  305.                             <li>how to avoid losses</li>
  306.                             <li>hot to boost profits</li>
  307.                             <li>how to achieve high probability of success</li>
  308.                         </ul>
  309.                     </div>
  310.                 </div>
  311.             </div>
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